Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Beginning Sewing :)

So, I just started taking a beginning sewing class at the local community college (I received the course as a Christmas gift) and it has inspired me to start a blog to display the different projects I create! I hope you enjoy!

Today was my second sewing class. In last week's class we learned how to stitch a french seam and today we actually made something :)  ......a pillowcase! I know, I know, so easy right! Well not so easy for a beginner! All in all, it turned out wonderfully and I am "sew proud" of it :D

The instructions I used to create the pillowcase are from Erica's Craft & Sewing Center, and its called the Hot Dog Pillowcase... check out their blog also: blog.ericas.com


1 comment:

  1. i absolutely love this idea!!! Once the dust settles for me, you have inspired me to sign up for a class! I can't wait to see your next project :)
