Monday, February 15, 2010

Dresser Mirror

So, over the past couple of weeks, I've done a few projects! I originally intended to work on one project a week/weekend and post but sometimes things work out differently! I purchased a mirror from Roses back around Christmas time for about $25 (a steal!) to match my bedroom furniture and go over my dresser. The mirror was originally wood toned (sorry, I don't have a before picture) with gold beads running around the edge of the mirror. I painted the mirror white and hung it, and it fits in quite nicely :) (see photos)

Shaving the paint off of the mirror

 Finished mirror hanging on the wall!! :)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Amazing Short Film - Tall Enough

My sister showed me this short film, it is amazing and beautiful and I wanted to share it with everyone! Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Beginning Sewing :)

So, I just started taking a beginning sewing class at the local community college (I received the course as a Christmas gift) and it has inspired me to start a blog to display the different projects I create! I hope you enjoy!

Today was my second sewing class. In last week's class we learned how to stitch a french seam and today we actually made something :)  ......a pillowcase! I know, I know, so easy right! Well not so easy for a beginner! All in all, it turned out wonderfully and I am "sew proud" of it :D

The instructions I used to create the pillowcase are from Erica's Craft & Sewing Center, and its called the Hot Dog Pillowcase... check out their blog also: